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Miscellaneous Outdoor Services
340 South Long Lake Road,Traverse City,49685MI
(2 company reviews)
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With over 30 years of experience in the landscaping industry, we are the experts you need to take care of your home or business. We handle everything and will treat your home as we would treat our own. Give Miscellaneous Outdoor Services a call today, we look forward to working with you!
Phone number
The phone number +1 (231) 715-6142
has a positive rating.
The phone number belongs to the Company.
We don't register any ratings for this phone number.
The number looks like a cell phone / landline.
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is reserved for
United States of America.
The number is located in America/New_York timezone. The current time at this location is Thursday 03:37.
Terry W.
Jim is unbelievably professional! He is responsive and reliable, he won't leave you out in the dust!
Mary jo Z.
Jim Werth and Dale surpassed my expectations. They did wonderful work in a timely manner. The end product is beautifully done at a reasonable price.
Phone number reviews +1 (231) 715-6142

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Possible entries of phone number are:
231 715 614 2
001 231 715 614 2
+1 231 715 614 2
+1 231-715-6142
00 1 231-715-6142
(231) 715-6142
+1 (231) 715-6142
001 (231) 715-6142